
Presenting at the 23rd Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society in Thessaloniki, Greece (2014).


14 invited talks/posters   ·   28 contributed talks/posters

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From Stars to Labs: Studying Nuclear Reactions in Supernova Explosions McMaster Physics & Astronomy Colloquium (Hamilton, ON, Canada) 11-2024
p-process: the rare few of the heavy elements University of Tennessee, Nuclear Physics Seminar (Knoxville, TN, USA) 10-2024
The origin of the rare 113In and 115Sn p-nuclei revisited 8th p-process workshop (Budapest, Hungary) 10-2024
Weak rp-process nucleosynthesis in primordial novae explosions Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics XI (Dresden, Germany) 09-2024
Exploring the origin of heavy elements from nuclei to the cosmos University of Edinburgh seminar 07-2024
Exploring the origin of light heavy elements using experiments, theory, and observations | ATOMKI seminar (Debrecen, Hungary) 01-2024
Neutrino-Driven Outflows and the Origin of Light Heavy Elements | XVII Nuclei in the Cosmos (Daejeon, South Korea) 09-2023
Exploring the Origin of Light Heavy Elements: Bridging experiments, theory, and observations | BRIDGCE - IReNA Annual Meeting (Edinburgh, UK) 09-2023
Impact of α-induced reaction rates on the Z=38-47 element origin Gordon Research Conference in Nuclear Chemistry (New London, NH, USA) 06-2023
From Stellar Death to Element Birth: the role of nuclear reactions in supernovae explosions | Texas A&M University, Cyclotron Institute Seminar (College Station, TX, USA) 04-2023
Stellar fireworks and the origin of the elements | Nuclear Lunch Webinar (Athens, Greece) 12-2022
Survey of the astrophysical conditions that produce light neutron-capture elements in metal-poor stars | 16th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (Virtually) 10-2022
Using (α,xn) reaction rates and abundance ratios to constrain the weak r -process | Intenational Nuclear Physics Conference 2022 (Cape Town, South Africa) 09-2022
Constraining nucleosythesis in neutrino-driven winds using the impact of (α,xn) reaction rates | Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics X (Geneva, Switzerland) 09-2022
Constraining nucleosynthesis using observations, simulations and nuclear physics | FRIB Theory Seminar (East Lansing, MI, USA) 06-2022
(α, xn) reaction rate impact study to constrain the weak r-process nucleosynthesis ELEMENTS Annual Conference 2022 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) 05-2022
A pipeline to study the impact of nuclear physics uncertainties in nucleosynthesis ELEMENTS Kick-off WA3 workshop (Virtually) 02-2022
Examining neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae with α-induced reactions 28th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (Athens, Greece) 09-2021
Exploring the uncertainties of neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis using the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction XVI Nuclei in the Cosmos (Virtually) 09-2021
Weak r-process nucleosynthesis: the impact of (α,xn) reactions DPG Matter and Cosmos Section (Virtually) 08-2021
Measurement of the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction with DRAGON for neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis 2021 CAP Virtual Congress (Virtually) 06-2021
Studying explosive nucleosynthesis in the lab IKP Seminar (Darmstadt, Germany) 08-2020
On the origin of p–nuclei: Study of the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction with DRAGON ACOT Meeting (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 11-2019
Reducing νp–process uncertainties with DRAGON: The 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction p-process workshop (Serralunga d'Alba, Italy) 09-2019
The 7Be(α,γ)11C with DRAGON for νp–process nucleosynthesis Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IX (Mainz, Germany) 09-2019
Study of the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction with DRAGON at νp–process energies 5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan (Waikoloa, HI, USA) 10-2018
νp-process nucleosynthesis: the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction 15th Rußbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics (Rußbach, Austria) 03-2018
Pushing DRAGON beyond its acceptance limits: The 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction Nuclear Astrophysics at Rings and Recoil Separators Workshop (Darmstadt, Germany) 03-2018
Studying the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction rate with DRAGON and the nuclear physics uncertainties of the νp-process JINA-CEE Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics (East Lansing, MI, USA) 02-2017
First experimental study of the contentious p-nucleus 113In at astrophysical energies p-process workshop (Limassol, Cyprus) 06-2015
First cross-section measurements of the 112Cd(p,γ)113In reaction at astrophysical energies 23rd Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (Thessaloniki, Greece) 06-2014
Presenting at the JINA Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics conference in South Bend, IN (2022).


Thermonuclear reaction rate sensitivity study for primordial nova nucleosynthesis XVII Nuclei in the Cosmos (Daejeon, South Korea) 09-2023
Exploring the impact of (α,n) reactions in neutrino-driven nucleosynthesis JINA-CEE Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics (South Bend, IN) 05-2022
First radiative α-capture on 7Be using DRAGON for neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis ACOT Meeting (Virtually) 11-2021
Exploring the uncertainties of (α,xn) reactions for the weak r-process XVI Nuclei in the Cosmos (Virtually) 09-2021
The 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction using DRAGON for the νp-process TRIUMF Science Week (Virtually) 08-2021
Radiative alpha capture on 7Be with DRAGON at energies relevant to the νp-process XV Nuclei in the Cosmos (Assergi, Italy) 06-2018
First radiative proton capture measurements on 107,109Ag and 112Cd relevant to the p-process XV Nuclei in the Cosmos (Assergi, Italy) 06-2018
Studying the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction rate with DRAGON and the nuclear physics uncertainties of the νp-process TRIUMF Science Week (Vancouver, Canada) 07-2017
Studying the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction rate with DRAGON and the nuclear physics uncertainties of the νp-process Ecole Joliot-Curie (Port-Barcarès, France) 10-2016
Modeling radiative proton-capture reactions in mid-heavy nuclei HNPS 2015 (Ioannina, Greece) 05-2015
A nuclear electromagnetic moments database HNPS 2012 (Athens, Greece) 05-2012